
3930 - Separation of Classified Employees


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最后更新: 2017年1月1日

序言: This section outlines procedures for the separation, 辞职或解雇, 分类雇员. It underwent significant revisions in 2002. In January 2017 revisions to C-3 were made to address a contradiction discovered in FSH 3360 B-2. In 2020, 为明确和符合《bet365亚洲官网》关于解雇机密雇员的规定,对B节进行了广泛修订. Further information may be obtained from Human 资源 (208-885-3609).(ed. 7-97, 7-05, rev. 7-02, 5-20)


A. 辞职
B. 裁员
C. Discipline Up To 和 Including Dismissal

A.辞职. 希望辞职的全职机密员工至少要提前两周通知.

B. 裁员.(见也 FSH 3970)(牧师. 5-20)

B-1. 就本第3930b条而言, 本单位是指董事长或者其指定人员为裁员而确定的组织单位. 工作不足、资金不足或者单位改组导致一个以上岗位被取消的, employees may be laid off according to the following procedure:

a. The unit administrator determines which position classification is to be reduced.

b. 该分类的单位员工分类如下:1)通过该分类认证的员工, 2)在不同类别的先前职位上获得认证的试用员工, 和 3) probationary employees without certified status in any prior position with the University.

c. 单位员工在分类中获得的保留积分如下:1)每小时的UI服务达到预期或其先前的同等排名(或更高)1分, 2)每一小时的用户界面服务评分超过预期或其先前的同等排名(或更高),可额外得一分, 3)每一小时的UI服务被评为优秀或其先前的同等排名,可增加半分. 除了, 根据爱达荷州法典§65-501的定义,退伍军人可以获得相当于3年服役时间的额外积分.

d. Employees in category (3) are to be laid off before any in category (2) are laid off, 等等......, with highest priority for retention assigned to those in category (1). 在每个类别中, the employee with the lowest number of retention points is the first to be laid off.

B-2. In every case of layoff, except as provided in 3970 G-2, 单位管理员必须提前两周通知该员工,并同时通知人力资源高级主管.(牧师. 7-02)

B-3. The laid-off employee's name is placed on a "layoff roster.“如果雇员的名字在本名册上,并且他有资格担任当前职等/薪酬制度所规定的相同职等的空缺职位或薪金,则必须给予他或她在其被解雇的职等的空缺职位上复职的机会, or in a lower class in the same series, or in a class in which the employee has held permanent status with UI, before any other person may be promoted, 转移, 恢复, or hired for that class by any UI unit. Preference for reemployment from layoff rosters is determined as in B-1, i.e., those in category (1) are to be reemployed before any in category (2) 等等......, 和, 在一个类别中, the employee with the largest number of retention points is the first to be reemployed. Names of employees laid off remain on the layoff roster for one year. (牧师. 7-02)

B-4. 被解雇的员工的名字将保留在裁员名单上,直到他们拒绝三次合格的就业机会或一年, 以先发生者为准, A qualifying offer is one that is in the same UI classification(s), BLS SOC代码或CUPA代码, R相对值, 该员工被解雇的市场和职责(基于当前的等级/薪酬制度)或该员工已获得认证, 是永久资助的, 和 is within 70 miles of the location worked at the time of the layoff.

B-5. 自愿辞职的雇员, 被终止的原因, 或者不能圆满完成规定的试用期的,不符合被解聘的资格.


C-1. 充足的原因. 校董会已经定义了处分直至开除的充分理由:“充分理由”是指一(1)项或多项行为或疏忽, 单独地或集中地, 直接及实质地影响或损害雇员履行其专业或指定职责或董事会的利益, 机构, 机构, 学校, 或办公室. 除了, any conduct seriously prejudicial to the Board, 一个机构, 机构, 学校 或办公室 may constitute adequate cause 纪律, 直至并包括解雇. 例子包括, 但不限于, one or more instances of sexual harassment or other form of harassment prohibited by law; immorality; criminality; dishonesty; unprofessional conduct; actions in violation of policies, 指令, 或委员会的命令, 一个机构, 机构, 学校, 或办公室; unsatisfactory or inadequate performance of duties, 或者不履行职责.(ed. 7-02)

C-2. 构成纪律处分直至开除的充分理由的行为的具体例子如下. 7-02)

a. 不履行国家宪法赋予的职责和义务的, 国家法规, 或UI规则和规定.

b. Inefficiency, incompetence, or negligence in the performance of duties.

c. Physical or mental incapability of performing assigned duties.

d. Refusal to accept a reasonable 和 proper assignment from an authorized superior.

e. 不服从命令, 与雇员身份不符的行为, or conduct detrimental to good order 和 discipline in his or her department.

f. 值班时醉酒.

g. Careless, negligent, or improper use or unlawful conversion of UI property, equipment, or funds.

h. 利用任何违反绩效制度原则的影响,试图为个人利益获得晋升或特权.

i. Conviction of official misconduct in office, 任何重罪的定罪, or conviction of any other crime involving moral turpitude.

j. Acceptance of gifts in exchange for influence or favors given in his or her official capacity.

k. Habitual pattern of failure to report for duty at the assigned time 和 place.

l. Habitual improper use of sick-leave privileges.

m. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information.

n. 擅离职守.

o. Misstatement or deception in his or her application for UI employment.

p. 未取得或保持合法的执照或证书,作为履行其职责的条件.

q. Prohibited participation in political activities (see 6220 C).

C-3. 纪律程序. These procedures apply to discipline 直至并包括解雇. Whenever a department administrator considers it necessary to discipline a classified employee, 管理员必须向员工提供有关预期纪律的书面通知,并为员工提供回应和听取意见的机会. Such notice should also be sent to the assistant vice president for human resources. 通知应清楚列明拟采取纪律处分的具体理由. After the employee has exercised the opportunity to respond, or declined either affirmatively or through inaction, the department administrator may impose the discipline. 如果纪律是解雇,总裁或其指定人员必须以书面形式通知员工,或者亲自送达员工或通过头等邮件发送, postage pre-paid to the employee at the last known address on file for the employee. 当实际, 解雇通知将在解雇生效日期前至少两周发出. During the period between notification 和 effective date, the department administrator may require the employee to use accrued annual leave. (牧师. 1-17)

C-4. 行政休假或停职. (ed. 7-02)

a. 暂停定义. Suspension means an enforced period of absence from the workplace, 有或没有工资, for disciplinary purposes or pending investigation of allegations about employee behavior. 所有纪律处分,包括停职和解雇,都可以根据员工申诉程序进行考虑 3860).

b. 部门管理员可以对涉密员工给予行政休假或停职, 带薪, immediately upon notice to the employee of contemplated disciplinary action, or pending investigation of charges that, 如果证实, would constitute adequate cause for dismissal.

c. 缓期执行重罪指控. A departmental administrator may place a classified employee on suspension, 带薪, 在雇员和负责人力资源的助理副总裁同时收到与雇员工作以外的行为有关的重罪指控的起诉书后. Such suspensions may remain in effect during the time such charges are pending. 在随后发现指控或信息没有根据或被解雇后,将向员工提供员工本应享有的所有福利和工资的全部恢复.

d. 纪律悬挂. A departmental administrator may place a classified employee on suspension, 无薪, 纪律, 经员工与人力资源副总裁助理同时通知. Such suspensions must not exceed 30 calendar days.



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